Business contact information is available for all questions regarding products, membership, training and numerous other areas of the business

Melaleuca Headquarters

Corporate Headquarters


Enroll Customers1 (208) 534-3600  You can enroll a customer by phone, but make sure you prepare them for the questions.  They must have their contact information, and be able to explain the backup order.  If they are going to order, they must have their payment information and their order ready.  It is best if they have the product numbers available.  It is okay to ask a couple of questions, but not be trying to decide what to order.

Customer Service1 (208) 534-3000  This is where you can get questions answered about your account as a customer.

Product Information1 (208) 534-3000   This is where you can get questions answered about any product.

Business Development1 (208) 522-0870  This is where you can get questions answered about your business or that of your organization.

Corporate Headquarters1 (208) 522-0700


Product Sales English1 (208) 534-3000

Spanish1 (208) 534-3246

French1 (800) 752-9966

Korean1 (208) 534-3440

Chinese1 (208) 534-3430


English1 (208) 534-3600

Spanish1 (208) 528-2037

French1 (208) 535-2305U.S.

Orders & Enrollments Fax1 (888) 528-2090


Business Development1 (208) 522-0870


Hawaii1 (208) 522-0700

Idaho Falls1 (208) 522-0700

Knoxville1 (865) 523-6600

Rexburg1 (208) 522-0700

Puerto Rico1 (787) 776-3232

Contact for the Website:

Donna Schwartz     (661) 201-2349

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 Before You Begin . . .

Since this page is for Melaleuca, The Wellness Company, customers only, log into your website before you begin.  Most of the links will only work if you are logged into your Melaleuca account. 

If you do not have a Melaleuca account, you can request the information by putting your contact information below or contact whoever gave you this web information.  If you ended up here by accident, click on this link and make your request.

Preferred customers who shop monthly will find this site to be something new.  We are working hard to provide you with information that will be helpful.  Please let your enroller in Melaleuca know what else would be helpful.

Haven't shopped for a while?  No problem.  You are most likely a regular Melaleuca customer and all you need to do is log in to  If you have forgotten your password, simply click on "Forgot Password" and create a new one.  You can activate your preferred customer account, shop as a regular customer and pay retail, or just look at the website.