Warm Market and
Attraction Marketing

What do I do each day?  Start here then advance to Target Market.

No matter what business you choose, whether you have products to sell or services to provide, you will need customers.

There are two types of people:

1. People you know.  This is called your Warm Market.

2. People you do NOT know.  The goal is for these people to become warm market as you build a relationship either in person or online using the tools of Attraction Marketing.

Review Strategy Session . . .

Therefore Marketing your business starts with these two groups.  Remember, this is a business, not a hobby (unless it really is). This is work!

System for Prospecting

The goal is to attract leads, people interested in being healthier, improving their financial situation, or both.

Attraction Marketing Online

Step 11  Start your online marketing with a "4 or 7 Day Launch" using Facebook.  If you do not have Facebook, this technique can be used on other platforms, but may not work quite as well.  See below.

Step 12 Join our Facebook Wellness Team Group

Step 13 Join our Instagram Wellness Team Page 

Step 14  Put our Weekly Team Call on Your Calendar 

Step 15  Make sure you joined and check your texts for announcements on our Cloudphone Texting System.  Add your new customers and business builders to the system so they have all the updates that you do.

Step 16  Keep adding names of prospects to your contact list being sure they are entered on an Email List.  If you do not have a CMS, Contact Management System, use your email, or an excel spreadsheet to track who you have talked to and any updates in their status. Some people actually use a yellow note pad or a notebook to track their contacts.

Be sure you keep them updated by sending them regular emails. This is part of building your relationship with them as friends, if not prospective contacts for business.

System for Launching

Step 17 Be sure to watch and follow instructions on the Onboarding Video which is the next step after the Strategy Session.

Step 18 Develop a DMO, Daily Method of Operation and a WMO, Weekly Method of Operation.  This is a plan for what you are going to do each day.  More information on this is on the bottom of the page.

Step 19  Add a Facebook Business Page (Or Instagram, TicToc, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.) Build the Brand of YOU! Just choose one platform to begin.

Social Media 4 Day Launch

Day 1 Social Media Post 

Curiosity Post  The goal is to attract LEADS, people who are interested in an overview.

Day 1 Curiosity Post

Day 2 Spill the Beans  Through your personal story, tell them why you are so excited about the company. This is a written post.

Day 2 Spill the Beans Post

Day 3  Create a live video with your personal story.

Day 3 Video Post

Day 4  Share your new journey, products, etc. in stories.

Day 4 Share in Stories

DMO - Daily Method of Operation

DMO answers that question, "What do I do Everyday to grow my Business?"

The key is to learn new skills, many of which are on this website, follow our simple system, and teach others to do the same.

Use the DMO and the WMO (Weekly Mode of Operation) in an hour a day.

DMO - 3 Parts

Our Personal DMO when done consistently helps us get our mindset right so we can do the work needed to be successful because we don't always feel like doing what we know needs to be done.

The goal is to attract people to us who learn to trust us.  People do business with those they know, like, and trust. 

Social media is about networking online, starting conversations, and building relationships.  This is the "behind the scenes" work and we must be okay with that.  Relationships do lead to business as long as we are a problem solver and a value giver.

Consistently spending one hour a day with Social Media Activities is a beginning to building relationships.  Starting conversations with people who follow me or people I choose to follow should be combined with a question or two.  How did you find me?  I am following you because . . . Where are you from?

Note:  Make new friends to have more good people in your life, not sell to them.

Communicate with posts, messages, videos, and voice texts.  Add value by providing valuable content.

DMO Personal
DMO Personal Examples

Then we must learn the skills of influencing.  John Maxwell says that leadership is when the follower takes action as a result of the leader.

Share your stories and connect them to a point you are trying to make.  Be vulnerable and people will identify with you.

Document your day.  Keep a list of what you are doing so people get to know you.

DMO Social Media
DMO Social Media Attraction
DMO Social Media Attraction Activies
DMO Social Media Building Influence

Providing true value to a person helps build trust.

DMO Value 1
DMO Value 3
DMO Value 2
DMO Value 4

Texting Launch Strategy

Join our texting program. Invite your new business builders to join our texting group for announcements, training, and reminders about how to build their business.

If you did not join in when you first came to this website, do it now.  This is Step1 of your Refer New Customers web page.

Text Biz to (888) 413-0712

Confusion is Good, Part of the Process

People who start something new somehow seem to think they should be able to just start and do everything perfectly the first time.  Instead, being confused and going through a learning curve is part of the process.

Return to Refer New Customer Page

Return to Home Page 

 Before You Begin . . .

Since this page is for Melaleuca, The Wellness Company, customers only, log into your Melaleuca.com website before you begin.  Most of the links will only work if you are logged into your Melaleuca account. 

If you do not have a Melaleuca account, you can request the information by putting your contact information below or contact whoever gave you this web information.  If you ended up here by accident, click on this link and make your request.

Preferred customers who shop monthly will find this site to be something new.  We are working hard to provide you with information that will be helpful.  Please let your enroller in Melaleuca know what else would be helpful.

Haven't shopped for a while?  No problem.  You are most likely a regular Melaleuca customer and all you need to do is log in to Melaleuca.com.  If you have forgotten your password, simply click on "Forgot Password" and create a new one.  You can activate your preferred customer account, shop as a regular customer and pay retail, or just look at the website.